Five Signs A Relationship Shouldn’t Be

Five signs a relationship wasn't supposed to be

Falling in love is an experience we all long for and deserve to experience in our lives. Infatuation takes us to higher realms and it is one of the most wonderful and fascinating feelings in the world.

Being in love offers us a feeling that fills us with life and makes us happy; however, it can also cause pain.

When we fall in love, we don’t expect to suffer. The love we feel in moments like this leaves no room for such a contradictory emotion. In reality, however, this pain is part of the process that allows us to learn, grow from within, and appreciate true love.

In this article we therefore share five situations in which falling in love can only lead to a broken heart:

1. The relationship originated from lust

Thanks to movies and books that feature this form of love, we have been surrounded by the assumption that one night of passion can lead to falling in love or that every fairy tale should include this form of love as one of its main ingredients.

This has nothing to do with our daily, real life. That is why it is important to know how to distinguish a physical connection from an emotional connection. By being aware of this, you can prevent your own heart from being broken unnecessarily.

2. There is a deadline

When you have met the person of your dreams and he/she tells you that he/she plans to live in another country, your time with him/her is limited.

Deadlines have only one goal: to determine when a chapter will come to an end. So ask yourself this question: why fall in love when the days of the relationship are numbered? When you agree to such a situation, you are likely to be left alone and disappointed, which prevents you from living your life.


3. The majority of your loved ones disapprove of the relationship

The people around us will always have plenty of “dumb” reasons why we shouldn’t be with the person we love. However, if your whole family and all your friends disapprove of the person you fell in love with, then there might be a good reason for it. If they all agree, it’s probably because something isn’t right. Your friends and family love you and always want to take care of you; they always want the best for you.

If these kinds of situations often arise in your life, now may be the time when you need to take a closer look at your lifestyle and way of acting,  the moment when you ask yourself whether you feel good next to that person or whether there is something you need to change.

4. There are miles between you

When you find yourself in such a situation for too long, at some point the relationship can become excessively difficult or become an ongoing emotional battle. Maybe you should ask yourself if the relationship is worth the effort for everything you’re going through, both the good and the bad. Long distance relationships can cause you a lot of emotional stress.

5. The other person is reluctant

When we fall in love with someone, we can usually feel whether someone will return this love or not. If it doesn’t seem like the person you fell in love with feels the same way you do, why do you think you can change this?

If someone is just being themselves, don’t try to counter this; this person will simply want to keep doing what he always does. And in an effort to get this person to fall in love with you too, you’ll probably exhaust yourself for something that was a NO from the start.

So when faced with such a situation, we’d better just “leave our hearts at home” and be realistic to avoid potential pain.

If you really want to love someone and want someone to love you too, your own heart is the best guide. Bet your money on yourself, on your own feelings and your own intuition. Just relax and enjoy the precious journey that life and love offer.

You will love others anyway, so do this with your whole being. We are all unique and we all have something precious to offer.

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