Five Great Moments We Take For Granted

Five great moments we take for granted

Amazing things happen every day that we are not always aware of. Days we consider “normal” are full of great moments that turn into stupid routines when we close our eyes to them.

Happiness is such a big word that we associate it with great events and achievements. Because these moments don’t happen often, we think happiness comes with large, spread-out doses, and no more than that. But maybe we’re looking at it wrong. Perhaps happiness can be found not only in extraordinary events, but also in the many everyday moments that we often take for granted.

great moments

Every day is full of little miracles. However, we seem to think that they don’t deserve to be counted because they are so predictable or ordinary. But if you look at it from a different perspective, they have the power to transform your life through a chain of amazing moments. Below is a list of examples that occur within your reach every day.

Wake up to a new day

We hardly ever think about how short life is. In view of the millions and millions of years that the universe has been around, our lives are a negligible percentage of that, just under 60-80 years. It sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t. And most people don’t realize that until they run out of time.

Great moments like a woman soaring in the sky

Every day is actually a small miracle. If you wake up under one roof and can start the day, you are very lucky. There are so many people who don’t have that roof, or who can’t get out of bed. You have life, shelter and health. These are wonderful things that cannot be taken for granted.

Eating and nourishing your body

Eating is much more than putting food in your mouth. For as long as anyone can remember, food has been associated with harmony and peace. Many cultures thank their gods for the opportunity to eat. It’s a time you should share with people who are important to you.

Food is also a sensory pleasure. It involves seeing, touching, tasting, smelling and sometimes even hearing. No matter how modest a meal is, it always brings a bit of luck because it means meeting a need. Eating at the table with other people is an incredible pleasure, a pleasure that you can experience every day, but that you may not always appreciate.

Looking at the person you love

When death takes away our loved ones, we realize that we may have spent a lot of time by their side without realizing how important they really were. We have to remember every day that we have people we love and that the time we have together is limited.

Prince and princess about to kiss as an example of one of those great moments

Seeing them alive is a gift in itself, one of those wonderful moments that we sometimes let slip by. Take a few minutes to look at them and be aware of everything you feel about them. You will realize that your life is full of meaning and that love is a gift that makes it even more beautiful.

Using your work to contribute to the world

Working gives you the opportunity to be productive. It doesn’t matter if your job is modest or not widely known. Working shows character, honor and decency.

Many of life’s most beautiful moments happen at work. Getting into the routine and performing your duties makes your character shine and gives meaning to your life. It’s a place where you can design and redesign the path you take. That’s why it has so much value, both for yourself and for society in general.

Sleep and dream

The only people who really know what luxury sleep is are those who have suffered from insomnia. Deep sleep is truly an indescribable pleasure. It is a form of self-care that is invaluable as a foundation for good health.

Catching dreams where you can experience great moments

Sleeping and dreaming balances your emotions, rejuvenates your body and even makes you more intelligent. It allows you to consolidate new information and get a sense of what you learned the day before. Sleeping is one of those little everyday miracles that we don’t always really appreciate.

As you can see,  every day is full of amazing moments. Just because most people ignore them doesn’t mean they have no value. You may learn to find the hidden wonders behind those everyday moments, but you also learn to make your life more than a routine. These great moments can leave a lasting mark on you.

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