Five Books That Can Help With A Broken Heart

Five books that can help with a broken heart

The ability to say a lot with very few words is reserved for geniuses only. Geniuses like Pablo Neruda. As can be seen in one of his most famous quotes: “Love is so short and forgetting so long…” Because not everyone is as bright as he is, some of us need many more words to explain certain phenomena. Some people write entire books. That is why in this article we share a list of books that can help with a broken heart.

Experiencing love is a wonderful thing. But experiencing a broken heart is terribly painful. When a relationship ends, it’s hard to comprehend that that person we’ve given so much to won’t be a part of our world anymore. This is something that can cause us a lot of suffering.

Books that can help with a broken heart

Fortunately, nothing in this world stays statically the same. As painful as a breakup is, moving forward is always an option and a necessity. We have to look for ourselves, our unique vibration. In that sense, these books that ease the pain of a broken heart can be very helpful. Use them as a temporary guide to getting back to your normal path.

Woman crying because she has a broken heart

Love or Dependency?  by Walter Riso

Walter Riso is one of the authors who contributed immensely to modern psychology. He explained it in a simple way so that we can all understand it. In this particular book, he helps us overcome heartbreak through ideas that are very accessible and absolutely uncomplicated.

Riso focuses on emotional dependence and how to get rid of it. Do you think you’ve been in a toxic relationship? You may now feel as if nothing makes sense anymore. But the truth is, you have a clear starting point for making your future relationships healthier.

So if your life in a relationship has been particularly difficult due to jealousy or constant conflict, don’t hesitate to read this book. In this way you will learn how to maintain a healthy relationship and enjoy a life in the company of others.

It’s so hard for me to forget you by Mariela Michelena

Now let’s talk about the work of a famous psychoanalyst, Mariela Michelena. This book is written especially for women. If you find yourself at a point where you can’t go back, but also can’t move forward, then this might be the book for you.

Often when a relationship ends, it’s nearly impossible to turn the page. No matter how much you want to move on with your life, it just won’t work. But sometimes a deep reflection from new perspectives that you hadn’t thought of before can be the solution. Michelena teaches us how to overcome this complex situation of resistance when we face change. If you feel guilty and keep thinking about your past relationship, take a look at this book. You have to carry on without that person whether you like it or not.

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Now let’s take a look at a bestseller that has even been made into a movie, starring Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem. A woman who has lost her way after her divorce decides to embark on a journey that takes her to Italy, India and Indonesia.

Gilbert no doubt knows what she is talking about, as her work is an autobiography. Despite her pain, she drew strength from her weaknesses to seek something better than what she had. Although this book is not written from a psychological point of view, it can inspire many.

Women Who Love Too Much by Robin Norwood

Robin Norwood believes that loving too much means that you constantly feel the need to talk about the other person. So, if all our conversations are about our lover, his problems and feelings, then maybe we love him too much.

Norwood tries to help women who are addicted to toxic relationships. In these types of relationships, women make up excuses for everything their partner does. Even if their partner’s actions constantly disturb them. You can’t say it’s not a good idea to change and let go of this kind of “exaggerated love.”

A broken heart in ice

Why We Love by Helen Fisher

As the last book that can help with a broken heart, we want to talk about the work of Helen Fisher. This is without a doubt a book that has sparked the curiosity of the scientific community. The author offers an explanation from a biological approach for the way our brains function when we are in love.

In this book, Fisher focuses on the functioning of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, serotonin or dopamine. This book will teach you why, from a fully scientific point of view, love brings out the best and the worst in each of us.

We sincerely hope you find this list of books that can help with heartbreak helpful. Let’s remember that we are valuable people who deserve to be happy. So don’t see a breakup as the end of the world. It could be the start of something completely new and beautiful. 

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