End Jealousy In Your Relationship

End jealousy in your relationship

Have you ever been jealous? Probably. Jealousy in a relationship stems from the fear of losing someone you love. Still, jealousy should not be confused with separation anxiety. In the case of jealousy, there are usually three people involved.

If you are the one who is jealous, then you are the first person involved in the situation. The second person is the one you love and don’t want to lose. The third person in this story is the person you would like to see disappear from your loved one’s life. The presence of this third person is usually the reason why jealousy is aroused.

Jealousy can ruin a relationship because it stems from mistrust. However, it can also go further than that. Someone who feels jealous and acts in a jealous way shows that he is very insecure about who he is.

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the feeling of jealousy so that we can better understand this emotion and turn it into self-confidence.

Is there a reason behind my jealousy?

The person who is the victim of his/her partner’s jealousy usually thinks that this jealousy is unfounded and that there is no reason for it. However, if there is no apparent reason for it, why is there jealousy at all?

The people who suffer from jealousy have clearer reasons for this than might initially be thought. However, this does not necessarily mean that the jealousy is justified by it.


For starters, jealous people often have very low self-esteem and believe that everyone is better than them, whether this person is real or made up.

They are very insecure and feel that this insecurity diminishes when they think they have complete control over the other person, the person they love. This is most common in situations where the person who is jealous has once been unfaithful. This makes these people insecure in their relationship, because they do not want to become the victim of their partner’s infidelity themselves.

Sometimes the jealous partner is looking for something that in reality doesn’t exist at all. This behavior is caused by his own imagination.

In reality, the jealous partner behaves in this way, because the idea that there is a possibility that his partner will cheat or cheat on him creates a lot of fear in him. When he tries to avoid this fear, it actually all gets bigger and jealousy grows out of it.

What can be done about this? Identifying where the uncertainty comes from and letting go of the urge to control the other person are two important steps that must be taken in any case. This is the only way a person can be happy and let go of jealousy.

Have more confidence and increase your confidence

If you don’t want to suffer from jealousy anymore or if you want to help someone else get over their jealousy, the first thing to do is improve your self-confidence.

Be more sure of yourself and who you are. Think carefully about yourself and make an effort to overcome your fears. Behind every fear is a cause. Try to find out where your fear comes from and put an end to your insecurity.

For example, think about why it bothers you so much when others watch your partner. Why does it annoy you, when it should actually make you proud of your partner?

Other people can look at your partner and enjoy it, but that doesn’t change the fact that your loved one is still with you, only you. It doesn’t change the fact that he chooses to stay with you. Why do you think someone else could take it from you?

When you start to trust your partner more and become more confident in yourself, you will be able to see everything from a calmer and clearer point of view. Aren’t you more relieved now than before, when you were still trying to keep everything under control?

You cannot own other people. Everyone has the need to be free, but this freedom does not mean that the person you love will run off with someone else.


If you yourself have been unfaithful in the past and your jealousy stems from the fear that your partner will put you in the same position, try putting yourself in his shoes.

You are the one who made the mistake. Can’t you see that everyone is capable of making mistakes? How can you judge and judge someone for something you did yourself? Approach the situation logically.

It is of course also possible that your jealousy has arisen because your loved one has cheated on you in the past. When this happens, you may lose all your trust in this person. If you are unable to truly forgive your partner, then it is important to realize that your relationship cannot continue. Sooner or later everything will collapse.

Are you a jealous person? If so, find the reason behind this jealous nature if you want to put an end to your jealousy. If you can’t get over your jealousy, it may be because you’re not actually with the right person.

If you are tormented by jealousy, your relationship will never be healthy. Think of yourself and of the security you so desperately want to feel. Help yourself to increase your self-confidence and improve your ability to trust.

Sometimes the real cause behind your jealousy only exists in your imagination…

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