Drinking Water Helps Your Brain Function Optimally

Drinking water helps your brain function optimally

You’ve probably heard that you should drink two liters of water a day to keep your body hydrated. But why exactly is drinking water so good for the brain?

According to several studies  , there is a relationship between dehydration and a lack of concentration or memory loss. Water is essential for our bodies, as we all know, but it is also good for mental development. The truth is that you can improve your brain capacity by drinking water every day. It is as simple as it is indispensable.

Hydration and Mental Health

Drinking water every day ensures that the organs, cells and muscles are hydrated…and therefore the brain. Recently, research has shown that  people who do not drink enough water are at risk of disease. Especially as they get older.

Tired woman

That’s not to say that water makes us smarter, but that it helps us get the most out of our mental performance. Water therefore acts as a kind of guardian for our brains, and therefore also for us.

We must remember the following: “the higher the dehydration level, the less alert and concentrated you are: more sleepiness, exhaustion and fatigue.”

Drinking a glass of water in the desert

To understand how important this liquid is for our body and mind, we can analyze a person in the desert. When his water ration runs out. he will begin to suffer from hallucinations. It is true that other factors also affect him, such as the high temperature, sun and despair. However, the lack of water directly affects our motor coordination, attention and short-term memory.

According to doctors, someone who suffers from dehydration has a deficiency of electrolytes in the body. This leads to a change in brain activity and in other systems involved in cognitive processes.

Loss of fluids in the body results in the production of stress hormones  and a decline in the functioning of memory and perception.

Hydrated brain is awake brain

Dry mouth, headache or trouble expressing ourselves are just a few of the symptoms that warn us that there is a lack of water in our body and mind. We don’t feel well, we are dizzy and disoriented.

We should not wait until we are thirsty to drink water, because at that point we are already dehydrated. If this happens often, the brain becomes weaker. Drinking too little water has consequences at any age, but especially for children and the elderly, who are more vulnerable.

When the brain is hydrated, the signs of mental exhaustion (which is so common today) disappear and you don’t have to put in much effort to get the same result. By drinking water every day we can improve our daily activities. Especially the activities related to planning and analytical ability.

Drink a glass of water

In order to know whether we are well hydrated or not, we can do a number of other things besides drinking those two liters of water. For example, we can analyze the color of our urine (if it is dark we may not drink enough). We should also avoid alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and coffee. All these drinks cause dehydration.

When it is hot and we exercise, it is necessary to drink more water. Also, for example, to add natural juices to our diet. If you don’t really like water, or often forget it, you can take a bottle of water with you when you go out the door. You can also set an alarm on your phone.


Whether it’s summer or winter, we recommend drinking water to take care of your body and mind! 

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