Don’t Fall Victim To Disinformation

To combat misinformation, you must cultivate your awareness and develop your own criteria. This is important, because this way you ensure that you do not become a puppet.
Don't fall victim to disinformation

Nowadays people just want to have something to do and be entertained. However, this has led to a major paradox. Indeed, if we look back at the past, we can see that there has never been a time when we have had so many distractions as we have now. This has its consequences, for example we can become a victim of disinformation.

Today we receive more information every day than ever before. Everywhere you look you are exposed to information. However, much of this information is fake or distorted.

Disinformation can have very serious consequences, especially in politics. Especially during election campaigns, we are presented with a lot of disinformation about important topics, which makes many people feel sorry for their environment or are indifferent to it. This is a strategy.

It can therefore be useful to know what you can do to avoid becoming a victim of disinformation.

Five ways to avoid becoming a victim of disinformation

1. Filter your thoughts

Train your awareness to help you determine which information is worth knowing and which is not. For example, maybe you like baseball. However, this doesn’t mean you have to think about it a lot. Try to distinguish between what you need to know and what you want to know.

The things you do need to know are the things that directly affect you. If you want to fight disinformation, prioritize those topics. Otherwise you will waste a lot of time on information that might be interesting, but not so relevant.

Smartphone screen

2. Filter your sources

This is one of the most effective ways to avoid becoming a victim of disinformation. Today, the person who says something is more important than what exactly is said. After all, anyone can spread lies that eventually go viral and are believed by everyone.

So choose your sources carefully. Sources must be responsible. You don’t just have to follow major media sources, although they may also misinform you.

Just pick sites or people with a good reputation. These sources are not infallible, but they will be more responsible with what is said. That’s the best way to avoid being cheated.

3. Read books to avoid becoming a victim of disinformation

Usually books are reliable. Writing a book is harder than spreading a rumor on social media. It takes a lot more work. Moreover, there is an entire editorial team behind it who published the book.

Books are therefore excellent sources of information, especially when it comes to controversial topics. Authors with a professional career or literary recognition can write the best books. In addition to information, books can provide you with something very important: they help you form an opinion.

Newspaper in the mailbox

4. Use your critical thinking skills

Criticism is not really about emphasizing the negative things to someone or something. Criticism is about assessing information and developing your critical thinking skills. The best way to do this is to have some criteria and not just believe everything you are told.

Think about the motives behind the information you get. Maybe someone is trying to impress you or condition your view of the world. Are the arguments valid or based on weak and isolated evidence? Being skeptical helps you to think critically.

5. Cultivate your consciousness

Some people tend not to want to know anything. They prefer to be stupid and do the things that require them to think the least.

However, this is quite unhealthy. Of course it’s not that you have to worry about everything or be extremely self-conscious, but it is important to find the right balance. Develop your awareness to focus on what really matters and stop wasting your time on things that are not important.

Don’t fall victim to disinformation. Because of this, you lose your freedom, as well as the chance to maintain a clear and determined mind. Therefore, learn to filter the information you receive. Thus, you can boost your awareness and make better decisions.

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