Don’t Compete Or Compare Yourself To Others

Don't compete or compare yourself to others

Don’t compete or compare yourself to anyone else. Admire others and learn from them. That’s my advice.

It is said that in the year 1709 a musical tournament between Georg Friedrich Handel and Domenico Scarlatti took place in the palace of Cardinal Ottoboni. The two went hand in hand, but in the end Handel gained an advantage through the use of an organ. The rivalry continued, but they continued to admire each other. Scarlatti blessed himself when Handel was mentioned as a sign of respect.

The story of Handel and Scarlatti shows that there can be some form of rivalry between people, but that doesn’t mean they can’t both be excellent at what they do and have mutual admiration for each other. It’s about loving yourself and being humble enough to admire others if they have special skills worthy of recognition.

Don’t compete with anyone, it’s not necessary

In today’s society, we are taught early on to compete. Seems like it’s important to be better than anyone else. Competition occurs in many areas, not just sports. We compete for a job, for a promotion, for having the most Facebook friends or being the best at a particular activity. Competitions and competitions are always made to find the best in whatever field.

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Research has argued that collaboration works better than competition  because a group of people working together can achieve higher goals than one person alone. But in order to work together with a group of people, we have to control our ego and that is something that sometimes takes a lot of effort and is also good for modesty.

Competitiveness can even exist on its own; that is, we can compete to try to improve ourselves and achieve our goals. But in this way we also have to be careful, because excessive competitiveness can cause frustration.

We have the mistaken belief that we need to be recognized, to be loved and to think that if we are the best at something, we will get this recognition and love. However, this is not true, because winning does not always mean getting love. Winning is a fleeting thing. What stays with us is what we learned while doing it.

Therefore, you should not compete with everyone, but instead collaborate with someone. And beware of competing with yourself, because overdoing it leads to loss of self-confidence and frustration.

Comparison and self-confidence

At times it can be good for your confidence to be compared to someone, but often the way it is done creates side effects. If you have a habit of comparing yourself to others, it makes you not focus on the task itself, which also reduces motivation.

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For example, if we focus on reading more books than our co-worker and we love to read, entering into a competition and committing yourself to reading can make you hate even opening a book. Remember, don’t compete with anyone even if it’s something you like, because you might end up hating it…

The most important thing to avoid harmful comparisons is to boost your confidence and understand that everyone is unique. We are all different because our circumstances are too. If you hate that someone else has a nicer house than you or a better job, it makes us lose our perspective. Our lives have different goals than anyone else’s, based on what we want and not on what others have achieved.

If we maintain our confidence well, we can see the positive side of equations and use them as motivation  for things we should do and things we don’t like. But be careful, because it’s a thin line that separates it from the negative interpretation of equations. Before you know it, you end up with perfectionism.

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