Do You Know These Six Rules Of Simple Intelligence?

Do you know these six rules of simple intelligence?

Yves Morveux is a consultant to the Boston Consulting Group and a professor at several universities around the world. He has studied the work environment and the business world. In recent years he has focused on investigating the reasons why there is so much lack of productivity and commitment in companies. His reservations led him to develop the concept of simple intelligence.

We define simple intelligence as an ability to transform complex problems. We turn them into concrete solutions that are easy to understand and can be implemented in collaboration. Yves Morveux has applied this concept to the problems of collaboration and integration in companies.

The six rules of simple intelligence are guidelines. They are designed to make businesses and groups work better. They are mainly aimed at ensuring that the working climate, motivation and solidarity are the most important things. These are factors that increase productivity and deployment. Let’s take a look at these rules.

1. The basis of simple intelligence is understanding what others are doing

This is the first rule we want to look at in the case of companies. If each employee really understands the job of his colleagues, then they will understand each other better. However, this should not be limited to a description of the functions. Everyone really needs to see the complexity of what the other people are doing.

Understand what others are doing

We can also apply this rule of simple intelligence to other groups and in personal relationships. It means we really need to put ourselves in the other person’s situation. Nor should we do this in a superficial way. It is necessary that we really understand how complicated other people’s situations are.

2. Give more autonomy to the people who take care of integration

How do we empower the people who ensure integration in the workplace? It means giving more power and autonomy to the leaders or the bosses.

That also means that we let them make decisions without having to follow internal control protocols or procedures. This is especially important for collaborative decisions.

We can also apply this principle of simple intelligence in our personal lives. It means facilitating the decisions of those people who have a greater ability to reconcile interests and promote agreements. If these people get a lot of support, many conflicts can be avoided.

3. Give all members more power

When employees feel they have more power at work, they usually respond with more effort. So one of the rules of simple intelligence says that leaders should strengthen the ability of their employees to use their own intelligence throughout the workday.

Give all members more power

In that sense, we can also apply this to family life and to the life of couples. Each member should have their own control over the shared space. This ensures that our attitude towards others will be better.

4. Expand the shadow of the future

Yves Morveux proposed an interesting concept that he called the “shadow of the future”. In very simple terms, it means that we have to design feedback cycles. This means that we have to organize the activities in cycles. At the end of these cycles, we must evaluate the consequences of our actions.

Developing feedback is fundamental in the personal and professional world. It promotes simple intelligence because it ensures that everyone is involved. It also helps us recognize the different behaviors in our lives that cause problems.

5. Increase Reciprocity

So we must promote autonomy. At the same time, we also need to strengthen reciprocity. Autonomy is not the same as self-sufficiency. At work and in our personal lives, we also need others. However, there are barriers that hinder cooperation.

These spiritual and sometimes material obstacles do not make simple intelligence easy. However, common sense tells us that the bonds are stronger after there is mutual cooperation. This improves the atmosphere. Then everyone often gets better. Collaborative cultures are more effective and also contain greater emotional well-being.

6. Reward the people who cooperate

Solidarity is very important to achieve common goals. To develop solidarity, we must reinforce the behaviors of cooperation. The best way is to recognize others and reward them in a certain way. This is necessary to reintroduce the collaboration in our culture, in our family, in our relationship and so on.

Reward the people who cooperate

After all, this is based on the idea that we can solve any difficulty or conflict if we work together. If we get help in time, the results could be great. That is also why solidarity is a great value that we must strengthen and encourage in our lives.

The rules of simple intelligence are the result of extensive investigations and long reflections. They have been tested and proven to be effective in accomplishing something very fundamental in the workplace and in our personal lives. We need to focus on what’s important and let go of the rest. 

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