Do Cloudy Days Make You Sad?

Do sunny days make you euphoric? Do you feel depressed when it’s cloudy and rainy outside? Find out why this is happening in today’s article.
Do cloudy days make you sad?

Are you one of those people who always notice changes in the weather? Do cloudy days put you in a bad mood? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Many people feel sad on gray, dark days. This phenomenon has both a biological and a psychological explanation.

It is important to clarify that not everyone experiences these weather-related mood swings. Some people actually enjoy rainy days, lower temperatures and the lifestyle that this type of climate requires. However, for other people, fall and winter are difficult months that present significant emotional challenges.

Do cloudy days make you sad

Why do cloudy days make you sad?


Remember that from a biological standpoint, the body functions according to circadian rhythms, which regulate your sleep cycles. We could say that the body synchronizes itself every day based on the sunlight it receives.

More light is a signal to your body that a new day is dawning. Less light, on the other hand, tells your body to prepare for the end of the day and rest. Also, two important substances play a key role in this process:

  • Melatonin is found in your body in varying concentrations based on how much or how little sunlight your body gets. When it gets dark outside, your body releases more melatonin, making you relax and sleepy. Your body temperature drops and prepares for sleep. Gray, cloudy days with little sunlight trigger the same process. Therefore, you feel apathetic and listless. Your body is getting ready for bed.
  • Serotonin is the neurotransmitter for happiness. Its presence activates you, improves your mood and makes you feel social. It also helps to reduce the number of negative thoughts you might have. However, a lack of sunlight significantly lowers seratonin levels. This makes you feel rather sad, nostalgic and gloomy.


That said, these chemical changes aren’t directly responsible for feeling sad on cloudy days. It is those changes in combination with the cognitive and behavioral changes you experience. In other words, your thoughts and behavior support the sadness and apathy you feel.

People who experience mood swings due to the weather tend to turn indoors on cloudy, cold, and rainy days. They become less active, more lonely and more focused on dysfunctional thought patterns. They significantly reduce their social contact and their inner dialogue becomes pessimistic.

Seasonal Depression

The people who suffer from seasonal depression experience to some extent the typical symptoms of major depressive disorder during the fall and winter. Fortunately, the symptoms disappear in the spring and summer.

During the grayest months, when cloudy days are most common, they feel sad and listless, have trouble sleeping and their appetite changes.

People with seasonal depression feel pessimistic and hopeless about the future. They may also feel irritable and feed thoughts of guilt and blame.

A common treatment for seasonal depression is phototherapy. Phototherapy is exposure to bright artificial light  for a certain time each day to minimize the effect of lack of sunlight. While this works well for some people, it doesn’t always work.

Man feels depressed in these dark days

What should you do if cloudy days make you sad?

Because you can’t change the weather, you need to focus on the cognitive and behavioral factors that you can control. If you have found yourself feeling sad on gray days, make a conscious effort not to fall prey to apathy and pessimism.

Try to overcome your lethargy and get moving. Do things you enjoy, both indoors and out. Organize gatherings with family and friends or spend more time on a hobby you’ve always pushed into the background.

You should also watch your thoughts and intervene if you notice that they are turning negative. Do ask for help  if you feel you can’t do it alone.

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