Discover The 8 Types Of Intelligence

Discover the 8 types of intelligence

When we hear the term intelligence, we often immediately think of a very smart person who is able to solve the most complicated mathematical problems, of which we understand nothing at all. Someone who can perform calculations faster than we can read or write them down. We still hold the classical view that intelligence is only about abstract thinking.

In 1988, psychologist Howard Gardner developed a theory that forever changed this narrow view of intelligence: he proposed the theory of different types of intelligence.

According to this theory, there is not one single form of intelligence, but several forms that manifest themselves in different ways in each individual.

Brain with Puzzle Piece

That explains, for example, why some people are super good at math problems, but don’t do so well when it comes to human relationships. Or that a wonderful musician does not find it so easy to make himself understood with words.

Discover the 8 types of intelligence and how to develop them

1. Linguistic Verbal Intelligence

A person who is verbally intelligent is often known for having “not shut up”. As children, they quickly learned to talk, read and write. They find it easy to understand complex text and are very good verbally. When they have to follow instructions to assemble a piece of furniture, they often find written directions much easier to understand than a drawn-out diagram.

If you would like to further develop this form of intelligence, read or write yourself. Get started with your own blog, Twitter or try your first fictional story. Play Scrabble regularly and get into the habit of solving the daily newspaper crossword.

2. Logical-mathematical intelligence

People with predominant logical-mathematical intelligence find it easier to solve abstract problems, perform calculations, and find it easy to discover logical relationships. If the shared bill has to be calculated after a dinner, there is always that one person who can easily and precisely conjure it up. At these moments you see logical-mathematical intelligence at work.

If you would like to improve this form of intelligence yourself, practice regularly with the Sudoku puzzle and make it a habit to practice arithmetic every day without reaching for a calculator  .

3. Spatial Intelligence

A well-developed spatial intelligence provides excellent orientation and makes it possible to easily understand diagrams and drawn instructions. Often people with a well-developed spatial intelligence notice details in the environment that others overlook, especially when it comes to the structure and location of streets and buildings.

Improve your own spatial intelligence by going out without a GPS or street map. Or spend a fun winter evening with an attractive jigsaw puzzle.

4. Musical Intelligence

You are always busy with music in your head or with the drumming of tunes with your fingers. It’s easy to memorize melodies and play or sing them. Musically intelligent individuals like to play well on any available musical instrument.

If you want to make progress in this area, listen a lot and often to all kinds of music and get started learning to play a new musical instrument.


5. Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence

Think of the reverse of being bumbling. People with a high bodily kinesthetic intelligence have a very precise inner awareness of their own body. Their coordination is perfect, their body movement fluid and graceful. You can perfectly observe this in dancers and in sports that require a lot of precision. Just think of rhythmic gymnastics and water ballet.

Convince your partner and take a dance class. In this way, your body learns to coordinate the movement of different body parts at the same time. Or look for a nice yoga studio near you.

6. Intrapersonal Intelligence

These people excel in their connection with their inner selves. They are very aware of their strengths and weaknesses, motivation and inner motivations. Their self-knowledge is high, which makes it easy for them to set goals and motivate themselves to achieve them.

Increase your own self-knowledge by journaling and practicing meditation or mindfulness. Dive into a good psychology book and discover how the human brain works.

Think it over

7. Interpersonal Intelligence

You probably know those people around you who are always ready for everyone and who are always able to understand everyone’s feelings and thoughts. They make contact easily and human relationships hold no secrets for them. They are often the center of attention and are often the leading figure within the group.

If you would like to become proficient in this, look for volunteer work or learn to collaborate with others by choosing a fun team sport. Train yourself to actively listen to others and increase your interpersonal intelligence as a result.

8. Natural Intelligence

We find this type of intelligence in people who are always very close to their natural environment. They have an excellent knowledge of the animals and plants around them and are able to recognize and predict natural patterns. You probably know that avid gardener, green activist or passionate animal lover, don’t you?

Develop a better relationship with your natural environment by building a small roof terrace or growing vegetables in your own garden. Go for regular walks and enjoy the animals and records around you.

To walk

Use the different tips to promote the different kinds of intelligence in yourself. Don’t forget, though, that it’s also important to enjoy and occasionally just be full of admiration for the miraculous properties of your own brain and of the human spirit.

Remember that we are all unique and come into the world with talents and skills that we can develop further to achieve our set goals.

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