Cultivate Unconditional Love To Improve The Bond With Your Partner

Cultivate unconditional love to improve the bond with your partner

Sometimes we wonder how we can feel full while overlooking the simplest answer of all: learning to enjoy unconditional love. It is clear that  unconditional love is the purest and most wonderful love the world can give us  and it can grow and develop. When we are young we experience it from our parents and relatives, but when we get older and start to follow a routine, we forget it.

If we’re more interested in improving it,  biologicallyit’s with a romantic partner. When we have a romantic relationship, it develops in all areas and knows no boundaries. Just enough to develop it with a heart full of joy and full of desire to improve ourselves as human beings while giving some of our essence to our partner, unconditionally.

American psychiatrist, Mark Goulston, has asked the following question: “What does it take to build unconditional love in a relationship?” He answered this question with three steps that we will share with you here.

Couple at the Beach

Develop joint activities

According to Goulston, love is built on a number of habits that we develop unconsciously. When we love our partner unconditionally, we like to be with him/her and enjoy our time together. That’s why we have a natural desire to do other fun things together.

The passing of time can cause the passion to disappear and, in the process, diminish the love  that was so intense in the beginning. When this happens, it’s like we discover new mistakes in our partner and the mistakes we already knew start to annoy us more. These new discoveries don’t just happen because we get to know our partner better, but quite the opposite. It is the routine and loneliness that fuel this despair.

Going through life together by trusting each other

If you’ve asked yourself  the first thing that shows that a couple is together, that would be the body language and how they speak to each other. We experience and build a sense of true love by being with him or her. This is done by always showing that we are together and support each other.

Walking hand in hand is one of the most special things I have ever experienced. Walking hand in hand is a simple gesture, but it indicates permanence, contact and unity. It symbolizes walking the path of life together and going astray without losing each other.

It’s normal to argue. If you never argue, it can be a sign of possible dependence and we don’t respect ourselves. When this moment of argument comes, make sure it doesn’t lead to anger. Putting anger and negative attitudes aside will help keep your relationship healthy.

Holding hands

Embrace the good of others and express your feelings

One of the aspects that makes the difference with strong partners is that they recognize that they are more with you than alone. They recognize that their partner makes their life better and complements their personality.

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