Collective Narcissism: A Virus That Spreads Rapidly

Collective narcissism: a virus that spreads quickly

Collective narcissism has become a virus. After all, it infects and spreads easily. And this need to be praised at the expense of others is a dynamic that has occurred in every age. At times it was more intense than at others, reaching its peak during certain historical periods, such as the period of Nazi Germany.

It expresses a certain nostalgic urge for the existence of “a superior race.” Although of course it doesn’t necessarily have to be about a breed. Any group that shares a certain identity element can join it. We could be talking about countries, but also about sports teams or professions.

It can be seen very clearly in football. Collective narcissism makes some fans literally unable to accept the victories of their opponents. It also makes them want to show how powerful they are. With songs, loud noises and painted faces meant to intimidate.

The same goes for countries and nationalistic feelings. Some people get upset because another person doesn’t like their country. They do not tolerate criticism of themselves and anxiously long for their homeland to be admired by all and to be the best at everything.

Of course we all want to be able to be proud of our place of origin, or the group we belong to. However, when it leads to situations like the ones we discussed above, it is no longer a healthy feeling. Sooner or later it leads to intolerance and violence.

From group pride to collective narcissism

What is the difference between national pride, or group pride and collective narcissism? A person infected by the virus of collective narcissism is not only proud of his group, but also has to show that they are superior. However, there is a lot of uncertainty behind this. Therefore, they try to confirm their thoughts by comparing themselves to others.

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Any human feeling, attitude, or behavior that is exaggerated is likely to involve some neuroticism. Narcissism is no exception. When it takes place on an individual level, people tend to brag. To radiate a confident image to mask what they are actually going through.

The same happens in the collective. Collective narcissism will flourish more easily in groups where people have low self-esteem. They doubt their status. That’s why they really crave the recognition of others the most. And not only that: also the defeat of others.

A study conducted at the University of Warsaw in Poland indicated that groups with collective narcissism generally consist of individuals who all feel that they are not good enough. The group is an attempt to compensate for this perception of emptiness.

Manipulation in narcissistic groups

It is normal for authoritarian leaders to emerge in groups where there is collective narcissism—sometimes even totalitarian leaders. Having an invincible, or at least extremely strong, leader provides the people in these groups with a sense of security. However, these leaders then tend to exploit the situation. And they favor the “superiority” that the group has over others.

Man riding a fish

Another study found that these types of groups tend to be conspiracy theorists about how others are targeting them. Having a common enemy makes bonds in a group stronger. Their narcissism itself makes them fantasize about being watched, envied, and possibly attacked.

Aggression and revenge take on a different meaning within these types of groups. Committing violent acts against those who do not belong to the collective is now ‘positive’. This happens especially if the aggression is directed at a potential enemy, conspirator, or ally of enemies.

The same happens with revenge, which narcissistic groups no longer see as an irrational and harmful passion. But rather as a legitimate right, based on the apparent need to defend oneself.

Unlike groups that exhibit collective narcissism, groups that have a healthy sense of collective pride have positive, uplifting effects. This kind of pride creates more cohesion and mutual trust.

The group sees no need to downplay others or look down on those who are different. While pride to the right degree is the foundation of democracy, collective narcissism is the foundation of fascism. And also an important way to exercise control.

Images Courtesy of Catrin Welz Stein 

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