Children And Technology: How To Promote Responsible Use

Children and technology: this is how you promote responsible use

For many of us, we grew up without the distractions of modern technology. Or maybe it was just starting to show up, but at least its role was limited. We couldn’t wait to get out and play. A spinning top, a few marbles or a ball were enough to make us happy. Today, however, the situation seems to have changed, sometimes exceeding all limits. This leads us to the question: when it comes to children and technology, how do we promote responsible use?

It is common for little ones these days to spend their free time glued to screens. The TV turns on as soon as they get home from school and then mom or dad’s tablet or mobile phone is grabbed. What can we do to prevent our children from becoming addicted to technology?

Kids and technology: getting your kid out of the screen

When we struggle to get a child to do something (like eating, for example), we quickly turn to the Internet or television. We put on some cartoons so he doesn’t get upset. It keeps him quiet. You may be thinking to yourself, is this so bad? Because it does work. The problem, however, is in excess and dependence.

It can therefore reach a point where the child will throw a tantrum every time he needs to eat unless we put him in front of a screen. He can refuse to eat if he doesn’t have his cartoons. What can you do now if the cure is worse than the disease? This brings us to the heart of the matter.

Children sitting on tablet and laptop

The bottom line is that misuse of technology can ultimately cause our children to stare at screens for hours a day. They spend less time on other activities, such as playing with other children, talking with their family members, resting or studying. The quality (and quantity) of their relationships can therefore decrease significantly. They can become completely isolated and lose all social support.

The same happens with their numbers. After all, more time in front of the TV means less time for homework. Ultimately, and tantrums are a sign of this, children’s behavior can become disruptive and problematic. Children can even develop behavioral disorders.

Children and technology: parents are the key to change

When it comes to children and technology, we should know that the key to avoiding all of the above problems is in our hands. We as parents can encourage the responsible use of new technology at home. When used properly, technology doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all. In this way, we will encourage our little ones to consume it in a balanced, healthy way.

In order for our children to use it as a source of information, learning and entertainment, we must first know what our children like. Browsing the internet or playing a video game together will help us connect with them. It allows parent and child to get to know each other better and communicate better. By doing this, we will know exactly what else they like and dislike.

In addition, we can suggest other activities that they can do in their spare time. For example, we might suggest that they read a book on a topic that we already know they are particularly passionate about. This is more effective than simply asking if they want to read something in general. It’s a good way to motivate them to find new ways to have fun. The same goes for sports or other things that interest them.

Children and technology: setting rules

But not only this, we also need to monitor the time our children spend on technology. As a guideline, it is recommended to limit television use to one hour per day. Video games may only be played three or four hours a week. As parents, we need to schedule these activities so that our children clearly know when they can and cannot do them.

Two kids playing video games

In this regard, it is a good idea to place the televisions, game consoles and computers in a place that is accessible to everyone. So don’t put them in the children’s rooms. This way we can keep an eye on which sites they visit on the internet and which programs they watch on TV.

It’s important to make sure these are age appropriate. In addition, we will also prevent them from isolating themselves from the rest of the family or not getting enough sleep.

Finally, remember that there are many ways to raise children. Every parent does this in their own way. However, when it comes to positive reinforcement or punishment, it is better not to use new technologies for this purpose. For example, don’t reward them with a new phone, but don’t take it away as a punishment either. By doing so, we make these things way too important in our children’s lives and they will only experience more nervousness if they don’t have access to them.

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