Bokuden: A Beautiful Story From Japan

This beautiful story is about Bokuden, one of the greatest Japanese swordsmen. Read on to discover more about him!
Bokuden: a beautiful story from Japan

This beautiful story is about Tsukahara Bokuden, a legendary swordsman from 16th century Japan. He practiced martial arts and was known for his talent. However, he was most known for his wisdom.

The story goes that Bokuden had three children. He wanted to test them to see how careful they were. To do this, he put a heavy headrest on the top of the door and left it partially open. Then he called his eldest son, Hikoshiro.

The eldest son of Bokuden was loved by everyone. He was a sweet boy. The story goes that when his father called him, he walked to the door and gently pushed it open. He noticed that the door was heavier than usual and thought something had changed.

Hikoshiro gently felt the top of the door. There he discovered the headrest and carefully removed it. Bokuden was pleased with his son, but he did not show it. Later, his son left the room, leaving the headrest where he had found it.

Japanese temple

Different reactions from the other sons of Bokuden

A few days later, Bokuden wanted to test his second son in the same way. Hikogoro was known for his agility and agility. He wasn’t wary or careful like his older brother. However, he was very sure of himself and his skills.

The father called his son into the room. Hikogoro quickly got up and walked to the door. Without thinking twice, he pushed open the door. The headrest fell, but the boy was so agile that he caught it in the air. Then he put it back in its place. Bokuden watched thoughtfully.

Then the time had come to test his youngest son, Hikoroku. He was the most impulsive of the three, but also the happiest and the most loving. Bokuden loved him dearly, but worried that he wouldn’t pass the test. He was right. Bokuden called out to his son, just as he had done to the other two.

Hikoroku rushed to the door and excitedly pushed it open. The headrest fell and hit his chonmage (a traditional Japanese hairstyle). The story goes that when the boy felt the headrest hit his bun, he drew his sword and cut the object in half before it hit the ground. Then he laughed and seemed proud of his reaction.

A cautionary tale

According to the story, Bokuden was concerned about his youngest son’s reaction. He believed that such an impulsive person would bring only shame and ruin to his house. According to tradition, Bokuden should separate from his youngest son, as his behavior showed a lack of awareness or wisdom.

Bokuden called all three sons to him and told them a story about something that had happened to him years ago. He had a student who was faster than anyone else, both mentally and physically. He was used to winning all battles.

One day he was walking down one of the streets of the village and came close to a very nervous horse. The animal was so upset that when he sensed the student’s presence, he kicked. The young man was so agile that he avoided the impact with a feline movement. Everyone who saw what happened applauded his skills.

An important lesson from Bokuden

A nice lesson

That same day, the student saw Bokuden and proudly told him what had happened. Bokuden listened intently, but when his intern finished his story, Bokuden sent him away. He said he never wanted to see him again. Everyone was stunned. Why did their master not appreciate his student’s agility?

Bokuden’s three sons listened attentively to his story. The eldest son remained silent and seemed to think about what he had heard. The middle son seemed intrigued, but the younger son seemed confused and restless. “Why did you say goodbye to such a capable man? Were you worried that he would take your place? he asked.

The story goes that Bokuden replied, “A man who is incapable of predicting danger, who only reacts to it, does not deserve to be my follower. If he had been a wise man, he would never have walked so close to the horse.” The three sons remained silent.

The middle and youngest sons understood the message without their father having to explain it, and they left the room with their heads bowed in shame.

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