Beauty Is An Attitude

Beauty is an attitude

We all know that beauty fascinates and is attractive. Everyone loves a pleasant face, nicely proportioned bodies and a smile that often inexplicably holds a sweet temptation.

There is no denying that physical beauty has a strong attraction for all of us. But do you know that beauty without radiance is like empty packaging? Because what is really attractive is the attitude with which you approach life.

Authentic beauty always starts with fully accepting who you are, both from within and on the surface. Authenticity is the real foundation of attraction and seduction. Only then do you act with confidence and steadfastness, because you realize that you already have everything you need in this life, no more, no less.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where materialism and consumption are rampant. Everything has a limited shelf life and the compulsion to consume is constantly accelerating the pace at which we live. Zygmunt Bauman defines modern life as a fluid society built from fragile and vulnerable human relationships.

Everything flows too quickly and disappears too quickly from our hands, because we are no longer used to striving for sustainability.  Only the new and the beautiful is valued and valued and forms the core of today’s consuming society.

Anyone who only focuses on external beauty is, as it were, doomed to a “programmed aging cycle”. The years in which you are valued are limited as long as youth and fit are the predominant theme. Once the childhood years are over, a yawning emptiness beckons and feelings of inferiority, depression and a complete reliance on the advice and opinion of those around you.

Beauty should be more than the outer packaging. Make it an attitude to life.

Beautiful woman

The beauty of real people

Have you also noticed people around you who exude an inexplicable attraction? Is it the timbre of their voice? Serene and calm, as if they are never rushed and stressed. Or is it their look? Wise, attentive and always able to appreciate your feelings and thoughts.

They have a subtle and mysterious appeal that we don’t really know where it comes from. Even without that athletic body and perfect face, they radiate a beauty that’s hard to explain.

Where does it come from? Be curious and discover that they managed to accept their flaws and overcome their insecurity. Thus they built up inner strength and are no longer plagued by hesitation and doubt.

Good looks are genetically determined, you either have it or you don’t, but good looks and authenticity give you that attraction that lasts and doesn’t fade, even if you live to be 100. It is an attitude to life that anyone can learn, at any age. And as soon as you have discovered this wisdom, you will notice that there is an immense amount of fun and enjoyment of life associated with it.

Bathing Woman

The power of homemade beauty

We all have that well-hidden space where we hide our weaknesses and mistakes. The insecurity we feel because we weigh a few pounds too much. The dissatisfaction with those wrinkles that appear over the years or our noses that we never thought were good enough, compared to our sister’s.

Did you know that the more attention you pay to these insecurities, the more powerful they become and the more influence you give them over your daily life and emotions? Now learn how to deactivate them and take away their power to further humiliate and limit you. Set aside feelings of doubt and inferiority today. Accept yourself as you are and plant the first seeds of courage and strength in your mind and heart.

You come first, above any sense of doubt, comment, or scorn.  You are worth more than this. You are your attitude, your strength, your ability to be happy. You will notice that you will discover that inner connection that gives you self-confidence and that beautiful appearance. You build a powerful calm that will always accompany you and help you, no matter how hard the road may be at times.

And you know? This beauty grows with the years. After all, it is a continual reflection of the strength and self-confidence that we continue to discover within ourselves.

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