Be Like A Lotus Flower, With The Strength To Be Reborn Every Day And Overcome Adversity

Be like a lotus flower, with the power to be reborn every day and overcome adversity

Nature provides us with the most unexpected answers. Especially when we think that our minds, our own sense of hope and our own desires say that nothing is possible anymore, that it cannot overcome adversity. In nature we find anything but a dull or predictable reality. Because everywhere, down to the smallest corner, nature just teaches us something new about what it means to live in this world. In this way we can also learn a lot from the bloom of the lotus flower.

Nature manifests itself in a wide variety of forms, species and phenomena. She shows us heartfelt lessons about what it means to face life. They are true psychological theories that we find in nature. There is no control over the variables or an analysis of reliability or validity. But they do contain an undeniable message of beauty and meaning.

From the infinite and curious phenomena in nature we choose the lotus flower. A sui generis phenomenon that turns into an exciting metaphor for life and the adversities we face every day.

the lotus flower

This flower is a type of water lily whose roots are buried in the mud and silt of lakes and ponds. The seed of the lotus flower is the longest living and has the greatest resistance. For it can live up to thirty centuries before it begins to bloom. In the long period of time, it never loses its fertility.

The beautiful flower arises from swamps or swampy regions and feeds on the mud. It rises out of the mud while blooming. In the evening, the petals of this flower close. The flower then dives into the water. The lotus closes to allow itself to be submerged in the water. At sunrise he returns above the dirty water. It is intact and shows no sign of impurity between its spiral petals.

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The lotus flower has the peculiarity of being the only flower that is a fruit at the same time. The fruit is shaped like an inverted cone and is found inside the flower. When the flower is ready, it does not smell. But when it opens, the scent reminds us of a hyacinth. Many find the fragrance of the lotus flower hypnotic and capable of altering the state of mind.

The mythology surrounding the lotus flower

The fascination with this flower has made it a symbol for many civilizations throughout history. The lotus flower is considered sacred. In eastern countries it is one of the oldest symbols. It has multiple meanings. But we also find many references to this flower in the western world.

In Greek mythology, the lotofagi, or lotus eaters, were a mythical race. The ancient Greeks thought they were the inhabitants of a country in northeast Africa. The legend tells us that a beautiful goddess got lost in a forest until she finally came to a place where there was a lot of mud. The goddess drowned in the mud. The name of the place was Lotus.

This place was created by the gods for beings whose fate was to fail in life. But the young goddess fought for thousands of years. Finally she was able to escape. She turned into a beautiful lotus flower. This symbolizes the triumph of perseverance when faced with adversity.

In Buddhist thinking, the lotus is the seat or throne for the Buddha. He refers to the divine birth. In the Christian world, the lotus flower is the white lily that represents both fertility and purity. The traditional story says that the Archangel Gabriel brings the lily as a message to the Virgin Mary.

The lotus flower and its significance in psychology

The lotus flower symbolizes the power of psychological resistance. That is the ability to turn adversity into an opportunity. Suzanne C. Kobasa, a psychologist at the University of Chicago, has conducted several studies on this. She found that individuals with strong personalities have a range of similar characteristics. They are people with strong convictions. They are very controlled and act purposefully.

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This statement was later conceptualized with the term resilience. Resilience is the essence of a strong personality. This characteristic is often defined as the ability of individuals to overcome periods of emotional pain and great adversity.

The lotus flower is a beautiful metaphor. People are able to fold their pain and later unfold it again in the form of serenity, self-control and perseverance. 

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