Are You Really Where You Want To Be?

Are you really where you want to be?

Everyone has fantasies of what they would like their life to look like, but only those who walk on the right side of the road will achieve what they desire. But how can you know if you are really where you want to be? How can you be aware of whether the path you are on is really your path or whether you are completely wrong? If we cannot find the answers to these questions, we often experience this as very taxing.

You have people who start a road without realizing that they are not doing what they really want to do in life. Often these are the same people who, as soon as they realize it, think it’s too late and would rather continue down the road they’ve taken, even though they have it all in their own hands to redeem themselves from it.

Complaints are part of our everyday language

To realize that you are in control of your salvation, you will need to learn to recognize some signs that indicate that you are not where you want to be. These signs are a warning so you can change directions and start feeling good about yourself. One of these signs is complaining about everything.

If you’re not happy with your job, your salary, your family, the people around you, your life, or simply yourself, it’s very possible that you’ll be complaining about everything, including the sky, all day long. that you breathe. If you’re one of those people who can only talk about the negative side of things, I wouldn’t be surprised if your head is only filled with gloomy and disastrous thoughts.

If your mind is only filled with gloom, then your own thoughts will work against you, because you will actually bring about the reality you lament about and try to escape all the time. In order to change things, you need to develop the good habit of being grateful for what you have in your life. You will have to be positive about what you can do nothing about except simply deal with it.

You don’t enjoy life

In these cases, life can be just like a sweater: at first the sweater looks really nice, but as soon as you put it on it suddenly starts to itch everywhere. You do like your life, in a way, but at the same time it makes you feel anxious and, in the long run, pain.

Because if you’re in the wrong place, if you’re constantly longing for something else, then your body – which is the place in which your mind functions – will suffer too. It has been proven that a lack of motivation weakens our resistance and makes us much more susceptible to diseases.

Of course it is also very good to work hard and save money. Having enough resources is never something we can look down on. But never forget the story of the man who saved for years to be prepared for any unexpected events and who was the first unexpected event to deal with death, and who could do nothing about it despite his piles of gold coins and colored banknotes. We must not forget that the best way to conquer success is to live it every day.

You waste too much time on unnecessary things

If we waste time on things that are not really necessary, then this is another clear sign that something is not right. Surfing the internet for hours without doing anything productive, watching TV shows all afternoon to pass the time, playing video games, smoking or drinking excessively can also be signs.


Will the things you do every day bring you success and fulfillment? Do you really think they bring you well-being or are they the reason that the gloom in your mind is gradually increasing? Do not allow your light to be extinguished; look for things that really make you feel good.

Find out what your goals are and chase your dreams. Once you start moving in the right direction and change your habits, your life will start to turn for the better. And you will feel so free that you will no longer have to complain or waste time on things that do not fulfill you!

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