Are You Afraid Of Being Happy?

The fear of being happy gets in the way of your ability to achieve a sense of well-being. This self-sabotage stems from certain negative experiences.
Are you afraid of being happy?

It is normal for people to have phobias. For example, most of us know someone who is afraid of spiders or who suffers from vertigo. However, it is not normal to be afraid of being happy. Having an ‘aversion’ to happiness can pose a serious problem to your health and sense of well-being.

The fear of being happy comes from several things. An upbringing that is too strict, too many responsibilities or loneliness are some possible causes. Are you afraid to be happy? However, in this article we share some strategies to help you overcome this fear.

How to stop sabotaging your own happiness

1. Identify your self-destructive habits

First of all, it is important to identify self-destructive habits in yourself. These could be things you do routinely or things you only do occasionally, but that have a lasting impact regardless.

When you feel guilty or overwhelmed by a certain emotion, it can be helpful to identify the situation that triggered this feeling. That way you can look at it again afterwards and reshape it. Once you’ve done that, it’s a lot less likely to happen again in the future.

Man who worries

2. Fighting yourself feeds your fears

Some people flee from calm as if it were a storm. They are unable to understand the concept of a carefree life. So if they see nothing to worry about in the present moment, they use binoculars to look for such things in the future.

They do n’t feel comfortable or familiar with peace, quiet, or quiet. They only rest at night while they are sleeping. It’s like they are always preparing for a big event.

In general, we are talking about the kind of people who take the saying “Prevention is the best medicine” to the extreme. They are constantly trying to stay ahead of any potential danger. Something that is of course dangerous in itself. This is because this way of living is an endless assault on your health.

3. Avoid and Reject Boundaries

Sometimes we impose certain limits on ourselves. One of these boundaries is that we don’t allow ourselves to express what we think and feel. If you impose and follow this rule on yourself, it becomes very difficult for others to really get to know you or help you.

Moreover, this lack of emotional expression does not only relate to negative emotions such as anger or sadness. In fact, many people get used to controlling their positive emotions as well.

These people somehow think that it is some kind of sin to show that they are happy. This idea is also the central theme of Umberto Eco’s best-known book, The Name of the Rose.

4. Enjoy your happiness

Another thing to keep in mind is that happiness has little to do with honesty. No matter how hard you try at something, you can still experience disappointment.

At the same time, however, life sometimes surprises you with unexpected joys, which you feel you don’t really “deserve”. So the important thing is to just enjoy whatever comes your way.

Happy and cheerful woman

Why are you afraid to be happy?

Once you are convinced that you can overcome this fear, try to figure out what the fear is based on in the first place. Why are you afraid to be happy? What things fueled this particular emotional state? To identify the causes of your anxiety should be your primary goal.

1. Therapy Is Helpful To Overcome Your Anxiety

Do you feel that this problem is a black hole that you cannot escape? Do you feel worse and worse every time you experience a moment of happiness?

If the answer is yes, then it may help to consult a professional psychologist to help you analyze the root of the problem more objectively. A psychologist can also help you find possible solutions.

Don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Would you be ashamed to go to the doctor for a physical problem? Remember that your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

2. Ask the people you love for help

Your family and friends are great support systems when you’re having problems. They can help you find solutions, be a sounding board for your ideas and offer you a new perspective.

Hearing the opinions and getting genuine support from people who love you is a great way to approach this issue. At the same time, sharing your feelings with your friends or family is also a great way to see your problems from a different point of view.

In addition, the support and opinions of others will make you feel less lonely. And this in turn ensures that you will be less afraid to be happy.

Not only that, this kind of support is usually reciprocal. If you ask others for help, they will probably ask you for help in return. As a result, you build mutually supportive relationships that benefit everyone involved.  

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