Are You A Freelancer? Watch Your Health

Are you a freelancer?  Watch your health

One of the most admired people of recent years was the visionary Steve Jobs. He said, “It has to be something you’re passionate about, because otherwise you won’t have the perseverance to get through it.” However, the reality of pursuing your passion can mean self-employment or freelance work, which can actually be detrimental to your health.

A study conducted by the Bellvitge hospital in Barcelona shows that being independent can put an end to stability, both physical and mental. The longer you freelance under stressful conditions, the more likely you will have to take a break from work for health reasons and for a longer period of time.

The Life of a Freelancer

We have many names. Sometimes we are freelancers, sometimes we are entrepreneurs. But, in short, we are people who – courageously – try to earn a living working for ourselves. However, we face drawbacks every day.

It’s true that we can take a day off if we want to and organize our schedules the way we want, up to a point. But not everyone can do this, and not always. It is also true that we have more instability than a salaried worker. And we’re not even mentioning those dealing with low rates, high fees, unpaid vacations, and income that varies from month to month.

All of this takes its toll on a person’s mental stability, which in turn is reflected in their health. As some say it’s like living on a tightrope with so many problems.

Freelancer with his computer

What’s the problem with freelancing?

According to experts, the alleged freedom of the self-employed comes with many problems. Poor time management, anxiety, instability, a sedentary lifestyle, anxiety and procrastination are just a few examples. So these brave self-employed people often end up with mental illness. One is fear, which can sometimes be the first step towards more serious illnesses such as schizophrenia.

And while studies don’t always focus on the fundamental or direct causes of mental illness in freelancers, most experts believe it’s because the self-employed are constantly living on the edge. To top it off, if we throw in the towel, we’ll do it when it’s all over, when there’s no turning back and the damage has already been done.

Not all freelancers suffer from unstable work. However, it is true that when something goes wrong, they are left relatively unprotected and defenseless.

What should freelancers do to counteract the problems?

If you want to take advantage of the freedom offered by being a freelancer, but not the negative parts, here are some practical, cautious solutions that may work for you.

do it today

As we said , procrastination is a major problem among the self-employed. Putting off something you can do today until tomorrow is a snowball effect. This phenomenon is very common: a self-employed person is working all day, but they are not that productive. This is because we live in a world full of distractions such as social media, podcasts, games, television, etc.

woman typing

The future is not the present

Another big dilemma for freelancers is thinking too much about the future. Moreover, with fluctuations in the market and at work, you spend some days bored and other days you work non-stop. The result is of course stress and burnout.

However, if we think too much about the future, we take on too much work. So it’s important to know when to delegate and when there’s nothing left to do. That is, stop constantly checking your phone or email; live in the present, not the future.

Woman with stress

There’s a world out there

Many freelancers, especially those who work from home, hardly ever get out. But that’s a mistake, because spending too much time in one place, without physical contact with anyone, isolates a person and makes them socially poor.

So go out, get dressed, go to the gym, be social, go to the bar, talk to people, use shared workspaces. To put it another way, don’t let your life be boxed in by the four walls of your house, because you will go crazy. Being a freelancer doesn’t mean you have to suffer at home alone.

Every workplace has its pros and cons. If you’re self-employed, you need to intelligently manage all aspects of your day to keep your balance. Don’t let your mental health pay the price if you don’t. 

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