Take The Time You Need To Start Over

Take the time you need to start over

Thinking that you have the future in your own hands is a two-sided sword: on the one hand, this thought offers security and vitality, but on the other hand, it can create a huge chasm. Starting over means, among other things, that you have to finish and let go of certain things.  Something about it didn’t go well and it may even have been painful.

Starting over means becoming aware of something that needs to change in your life, becoming aware that you need to heal your wounds so that you can see the future in a new way.

It’s entirely possible that you, like many others, had to cut your life short at some point in order to give yourself another chance to be happy. You are constantly circling the same memory, aware that you need to let it go, but no idea how to do it. You know that you have to take your time for this and how much time you need depends on a lot of different factors.

You can’t start over without preparing yourself


Timing, as we said, is essential in situations where we feel lost. This is the only way we can reshape our principles. From the moment we realize that we have to start over, we will find that something has changed in us  and that we are no longer the same person as before: we have to get to know ourselves again.

In order to build new relationships with other people, to further develop ourselves in a certain area in our lives or just to be happy with what we are doing, it is necessary to renew after experiencing emotional blockages. get a good idea of ​​who we really are.

Not giving yourself enough time for this is one of the most common mistakes we make as humans. We are ready to start again when the damage may not even be fully repaired.

Not giving yourself enough time can lead to regression

Preparing yourself usually takes time. And the time it requires is actually relative: there is no fixed calculation for this. The only rule that could be attached to it is that we should look at, among other things, the degree of inner loss, pain, willpower and strength. Everyone is different and our ability to handle difficult situations is also different.

What is certain is that, as with any process, there are a few guidelines associated with starting over. And if you don’t follow these guidelines, you can suffer from regression. Sometimes we think we are prepared to face new beginnings, until suddenly reality sets in and completely engulfs us. This is how we are made aware that we have made a mistake and that we still have a lot to do.

A great effort will be rewarded


This process has its ups and downs and requires one of the greatest efforts we will ever have to make in life. Not looking back is hard, accepting something we don’t understand is hard, learning to live without something we could previously count on is heartbreaking and seeing someone leave our lives way too early is overwhelming.

However, from starting over we can also learn a lot of other things that we didn’t know before and that can help us grow. The effort we must make to get through these kinds of situations will eventually turn the experience into a positive reward that can fill us with experience and happiness.

Eventually, through a lot of sacrifice, we will feel emotionally free and complete again. We will be able to understand what we have been through and have learned to be content with what we have in the present. We will be able to live our lives according to the new principles that we have reformed. It will be a fresh start after a phase in your life that has come to an end.

–Images courtesy of Christian Schloe–

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