Free Yourself And Be Happy

Free yourself and be happy

Free yourself from everything that holds you back, from toxic people, from bad influences, from everything that makes you unhappy. You have the right to free yourself from this and you have the right to be a completely happy person.

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by circumstances. We are hurt by rejection and dependence and sometimes we feel like slaves to others. If your self-esteem is not quite right, we have a solution for you.

Being stuck in an invisible prison


We have all been held in an invisible prison at one time or another. We believe that these prisons protect us from what other people can do to us. For example, if we’ve never had a positive romantic relationship before, we’ll try to protect ourselves and lower the bar, making many situations that we may have approached very differently before as threatening.

These prisons limit us and make us vulnerable, even if we think the opposite. And how can we be aware of this at all if we are not free?! We are trapped within ourselves. Do you see the irony of this? The question is how can we free ourselves, how can we escape from this prison that we have created ourselves?

There are many people seeking protection in these prisons, but sooner or later they get tired of it and decide to take risks again, to make mistakes. It’s scary, but when the moment comes, they force themselves not to run away.

Don’t be afraid to take risks. It’s normal to get hurt and it’s normal to make mistakes. All this will help you to learn and progress, to get to know yourself and others a little better. If you’re looking for protection, do this for a while, but only for a little while! Free yourself afterwards.

The road to liberation


Now is the time to free yourself from everything that is holding you back from achieving your goals, from everything that is holding you back from finding love. We can get stuck in so many things, so what do we really need to free ourselves from?

  • From feelings that make you feel like you’re worth nothing.
  • Of depression that drowns you and keeps you from expressing your feelings.
  • From perfectionism and fears that limit you.
  • Of material things, sad memories and incorrect beliefs.
  • From everyone you depended on.
  • Of resentment, envy and the fear of losing.

Free yourself until you have achieved success, because the best is yet to come.

There are many feelings, emotions and even people that we should free ourselves from. People like exes who hurt us, friends, bosses who didn’t treat us well etc.

Are you ready to be happy?

If you are able to free yourself from all of the above, you can be happy and live a life of peace and harmony. But it’s not easy. Freedom involves a slow process that can be quite frustrating. Do not worry. Once you have completely freed yourself, you will see that it was not so difficult.

The problem with freeing ourselves from everything that holds us back and paralyzes us is that we are somehow attached to these things. When we fear something, we prefer to ignore or distance ourselves from it rather than confront it. Instead of overcoming it, we let it haunt us.


We have misconceptions about what is really good and bad for us. Our thinking about making mistakes is a good example of this. We must free ourselves from erroneous views that do nothing but embitter us.

If you have freed yourself, or have the intention to do so, happiness is right around the corner. Sometimes we are blind to the difference between the things we should take away from and the things we should keep with us. Free yourself so that you can be happy, so that you can live your life how you really want it and not how others want it.

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