7 Signs Of Emotional Maturity

7 Signs of Emotional Maturity

Maturity is generally associated with age and number of years of life experience. However, when we talk about emotional maturity, age often has little to do with it.

Being an adult means that you have come to a point in life where you understand that nothing is as powerful as self-love. Adult people have learned to accept what life brings.

Of course, emotional maturity doesn’t appear out of nowhere; it requires work, effort, good intentions and a willingness to look inside. Emotional maturity implies order not only in our heads, but also in our hearts. Here are seven qualities that emotionally mature people have in common:

1. They know how to say hello

Most people are, in a sense, afraid of physical heights and almost everyone shares this fear as it relates to emotions. It is natural that we experience a sense of giddiness when we have to cut the imaginary ropes and go with the flow.

Thinking the past was better than the present hurts our souls. It keeps us from letting go. It plunges us into panic, into an abyss and we are afraid we can’t get out of this.

Emotionally mature people know that life is much better when it is lived freely. So, let go of that which no longer matters and understand that looking to the past keeps us from moving forward and healing our emotional wounds.

Letting go

2. They can look at their emotional past without pain

Clearing the pain from our past is imperative to moving forward on our emotional journey. Weeds grow fast, so if we don’t clear our way, we won’t be able to see what’s coming our way.

Emotionally mature people understand the importance of living in the present and of overcoming and accepting what has happened. What happened happened; the best you can do is learn from it and move on.

People who are emotionally mature do not spend time and energy stuck in the past. After all, this gives the negative from the past far too much influence on our present.

When we learn from our pain and move on, we empower ourselves to take the next step in our lives. 

3. They are aware of their thoughts and feelings

Emotionally mature people are aware of thoughts and feelings, both personal and outwardly observable. This does not happen by itself. Emotionally mature people often spend time thinking and writing about their thoughts and feelings.

The mental clarity of emotionally mature people contrasts with the laziness and constant chaos of those who have not yet reached this point of maturity. This mental clarity enables emotionally mature people to efficiently solve the problems of everyday life.

Thoughts and Feelings

4. They stop whining

Stop whining is the best way to start the change. Emotionally mature people know very well: do something about it or accept it. 

Whining can get us lost in labyrinths that have no exit. We are what we think and emotionally mature people understand that. If you act more and whine less, it means that you are growing emotionally. 

5. They can empathize without being overwhelmed by the emotions of others

They are able to control their emotions and that which affects them. They choose which emotions to keep and which not to, which helps them to listen to others more efficiently.

Moreover, they create a balance in their relationships between giving and receiving. As a result, their relationships are more beneficial for all involved.

Mental Clarity

6. They don’t blame themselves when they make mistakes

You learn from mistakes. Failure allows us to know which path we should not follow in any case. Mature people welcome mistakes.

In addition, emotionally mature people don’t blame themselves for having flaws; instead, they accept these flaws and work to improve. They don’t insist that things always go right, because they know that not everything is rosy and that every setback can be a good opportunity for growth.

7. They have learned to open up emotionally

Armoring ourselves with an emotional shield only makes our journey more difficult. That is why it is very important to let go of our fear of bonding and love and to have faith in ourselves and others.

Emotional maturity allows you to take the reins of your life, develop your own view of the world, and strive for success. Once you maintain your emotional maturity, life becomes a pleasure, not a burden.

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