6 Questions To Discover Happiness

6 questions to discover happiness

If you were a journalist and you had the chance to interview yourself about happiness, what would you ask yourself? Are you sure you would have all the answers? What if someone told you that you could be happier if you filled out a simple questionnaire? Would you believe this?

If we had to meet certain parameters and conditions in order to find happiness, we would never be happy. Of course not, because if we base our emotions on someone or something outside of us, we make ourselves dependent on it. 

“Happiness flees from those who seek it. It can only come from within.”

-Mahatma Gandhi-

There will never be a completely ideal situation that makes us smile from ear to ear. As the great Freddie Mercury once said in the song ‘The Show Must Go On’: “My make-up may be flaking, but my smile still stays on.” (My makeup may flake off, but my smile remains.)

Truly happy people are not the ones who have the most money or the least problems.

Think of people like Gandhi or Mother Teresa. They were happy, not because of material things, but because of their love and compassion for others. This does not mean that you have to become a saint, but it does mean that you could try to become less dependent on external factors when it comes to your own happiness. 


The following questions will help you find happiness no matter where you are:

  1. Should I be thankful? Gratitude is something we have at our disposal that can help us be happier. When everything goes smoothly, it’s easier to say thank you. The challenge arises when things don’t go well. There is always something to be thankful for. If you make a list, you will realize this.
  2. What will make me happier? It is difficult to find an answer to this question. Why? Because people tend to think about the things that make them unhappy, instead of thinking about what makes them happier. Focus on things that satisfy you and that strengthen your love for life. This is where the real happiness is to be found!
  3. How have I made progress? When we focus on our failures or on goals we still haven’t achieved, it’s easy to get unmotivated and throw in the towel. Don’t let this happen! Look only to the past to learn the lessons you need to learn and to recognize what you have accomplished thus far.
  4. Who loves me? We may have hundreds of friends on social media, get along well with our colleagues, or get warm greetings from our neighbors, but the people who really love us can be counted on one hand (or if you’re lucky on two hands). The love of others gives us great satisfaction. When you feel alone or sad, you can think of these people. They will be your strength and they will help you move forward.
  5. Who can I help? Happiness can slip through our fingers like the water of the sea or the sand of the beach because we are so focused on ‘me, me, me’. What about others? Don’t they deserve to be happy too? We are not talking here about pure altruism or completely giving up all your possessions, but simply helping those around you. One simple gesture can make someone’s day. This will unite you with your true essence. You will be extremely happy the day you make someone else happy.
  6. How can I help make the world a better place? You have thousands of options at your disposal, but you shouldn’t just pick something or do it just because you like the idea. What matters is that the contribution you make is truly something you stand by, something that you are passionate about, something that gives meaning to your life and helps you find happiness. Maybe you’ll find it by saving whales, by avoiding cutting forests, by recycling more, by feeding a mutt, or by donating medicine to children.

Finally, remember that happiness does not come from having everything we want, but from knowing how to appreciate what we have.

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