5 Options To Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills

5 options to improve your critical thinking skills

If you improve your critical thinking skills, you will possess a great and wonderful constructive “weapon”. Ultimately, a little healthy skepticism with enough personal ethics and an open mind can help us a lot. These things will allow us to think critically about everything we encounter.

You may be aware that we live in a  post-truth  era. Exaggerated or not,  critical thinking skills are indeed necessary. If we admit that we are in a “truth crisis” where we often rely on our emotions to influence our actions, it is essential that we do this in the best possible way.

A study conducted by  Cambridge University in January 2018 highlighted an important point. This research showed that in addition to one’s IQ and one’s aspiration to be intelligent, a  good ability to think critically can improve our lives.

The authors of this study found that  someone with critical thinking ability is capable of making better choices. 

In addition, they will be less vulnerable to fluctuations in the interests of the general public or fluctuations in politics. Such a person will be able to solve his problems in a more creative, independent and effective way.

So we’ve found a fantastic psychological drug that we definitely need to work with more. We have the opportunity to improve our critical thinking skills. The following strategies will help us with this.

Woman with critical thinking skills

How to improve your critical thinking skills

No one is born with an innate ability to think critically. Not everyone can think critically about everything they encounter in their life from the start. For this you have to practice, learn and master the knowledge. It is an ongoing feedback process where you should be active, ambitious and highly motivated.

Below we list the ways to improve your critical thinking skills.

1. Broaden your perspective; don’t settle for just one option

If a recognized expert were to say at this exact moment that the world would end tomorrow, 50% of people would probably immediately look for a bunker. 25% of people would do anything to find an alternative, or a strategy to prevent the apocalypse.

The other 25% would be skeptical. These people would ask,  “Is the world really going to end tomorrow? Who invented this?”

Healthy, smart and practiced skepticism is without a doubt the first filter through which we filter  news, opinions, allegations and daily commentary.

2. Be proactive, not reactive

Many of us react to life instead of actually experiencing it. We respond to problems, difficulties and challenges. We do that without really realizing that there are other ways to live — such as proactively. However, what does “proactive” mean in this sense?

  • It means we don’t sit still and just watch as things happen around us without our input. Make things happen, look for challenges. Learn from this by using new resources, by setting goals and working towards them every day.
  • Our critical thinking skills include the psychological power that makes it easier for us to act in a more skillful and thoughtful manner. In other words, don’t immediately react thoughtlessly or excessively to a difficult or complex situation. Instead, apply your new focus to view issues with a more constructive, centered, adaptable, and genius attitude. Every challenge will be a lesson.
Female silhouette in color

3. A more ethical mindset

In our society, black and white (or polarized) thinking is very much in vogue  . Something is usually either good or bad. People often or completely agree with your ideals and values, or not at all. You are usually a friend or an enemy. That one thing is either blue or red. However, what do we gain by applying these moral filters? Little, it turns out.

If we are able to use our critical thinking skills where it is normal to think about and put these dichotomies into perspective, this will give us something very valuable.

Because of this, we can learn to  enjoy thinking about different perspectives. We open ourselves up to a whole range of opinions, traits and traits. This will enrich us endlessly.

4. A greater sense of humor, please

A great sense of humor goes hand in hand with intelligence. Someone who knows how to make fun of himself, who is able to find some light in the darkness and who can play with reality and thus relativize it and transform it with elegance, has an enormous gift. This gift is originality.

  • So your critical thinking abilities are also a means of demonstrating your clear view of reality.
  • At the same time, you avoid frustration, pointless arguments and misinterpretations that lead nowhere.

5. Be aware of your cognitive distortions

If we allow our vital focus to become trapped in cognitive distortions,  we can only see what the limits of our critical thinking capacity allow. These cognitive distortions include:

  • Pessimism
  • Generalization
  • Follow people closely
  • A polarized focus
  • A selective ability to pay attention

We must be aware of these common but irrational tactics of our mind. We have to put things into perspective, expand our vision and simply appeal to our memory. It is important that we remember that we  often need to be as critical of ourselves as we are of others. This offers opportunities for growth.

Someone in a circle

In conclusion, we can say that improving critical thinking skills takes a lot of time. However, if you want to make considerable progress in this area, it is important to remember one piece of advice:  free yourself from your thoughts and your limits. 

Break the bars of your cage, observe the world with humble eyes and be aware of all the things you can still learn and of all the opportunities that lie ahead.

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