4 Movies That Can Help You Through A Crisis Of Self-love

“A good wine is like a good movie: it is short lived and leaves a glorious taste in your mouth,”  said Federico Fellini, the great Italian director. And what better way to take advantage of that wonderful aspect of movies than by watching movies that can help you overcome a crisis of self-love.

Film is more than just a form of entertainment, art or whatever you want to call it; above all, it evokes feelings, be  it suffering, fatigue, pain, pleasure, fun or fear. Known as the seventh art, it is able to touch you deeply. And who knows, maybe it could even change your life.

Movies That Can Help You Overcome a Crisis of Self Love

Below we would like to share with you a list of movies that are very helpful in overcoming a crisis of self-love. Whether it’s the result of personal disappointment, a boring job, or an unfulfilled dream,  sometimes it’s hard to find the strength and motivation to keep going. So why not use a movie to give yourself a little push in the right direction?

Woman Who Needs Something To Help Her Through Her Crisis And Self Love

The Man with Rain in His Shoes  (1998) – directed by María Ripoll

The Man with Rain in His Shoes,  directed by María Ripoll, is a film with an international cast. It tells the story of a man who is given a second chance to redo a broken relationship, but the more he tries, the more he blunders.

This film, which stars international actors like Douglas Henshall, Lena Heady and Penélope Cruz, tells an interesting story. Sometimes we only make things worse by entering a relationship or project that is already broken.

The interesting thing about it is that we don’t realize the answer is right in front of us, but instead are so stubborn that we refuse to see it. You just have to stop, relax and look for a broader, more objective perspective. That may be the only way to find new purpose, rekindle your vitality, and regain your self-love.

Hector and the Search for Happiness  (2014) – directed by Peter Chelsom

Hector is a psychiatrist who has lost his way. He is tired of life and finds that the advice he gives his patients is not helping at all. So he decides to go on a long trip to find the happiness he has lost.

Directed by Peter Chelsom, this film stars Simon Pegg, Rosamund Pike and Stellan Skarsgard, among other actors. You can learn from this movie that  sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in a comfortable, uncomplicated life.

But where is the passion? When everything is so simple, it’s easy to lose your self-love, because in reality it may not be that simple. It’s good to follow your dreams and strive to be happier, but  it’s never good to lose yourself in boredom and routine.

The Help  (2011) – directed by Tate Taylor

The Help  is a film by Tate Taylor that surprises many people. It’s about women in the southern United States who silently suffer degrading treatment just because of their race or social status. Does anyone hear them? Does anyone care about how they feel?

Starring Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard and Emma Stone, this fantastic film is a story about self-love, freedom and speaking out against oppression. You don’t necessarily have to shout, but there is always a way to make your voice heard.

The film tells the story of several servants who find their voices by helping a young aspiring journalist write a book about their experiences. Through this book they are able to be themselves and tell their stories. This makes them feel heard, loved and valued.

Million Dollar Baby  (2004) – directed by Clint Eastwood

They say that  when you believe in something, you should do everything you can to achieve it. This is the story of  Million Dollar Baby directed by Master Clint Eastwood. It’s a true story of bravery, starring himself, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman.

This film tells the story of a girl who wants to become a boxer. Despite the fact that people don’t understand it at first, she never gave up. She literally fought for her dream with everything she had in her. She did what she could to achieve it. And above all, she did not allow herself to be intimidated by anything or anyone. Knowing that her dream depended on her daily training and her drive to surpass the other female boxers who had many more years of training behind them, she did everything she could to achieve it.

Without a doubt,  Million Dollar Baby is  a great movie to round out this list of movies that can help you increase your self-love. Do you feel like you are in a crisis? If so, then movies can be a good comfort. These are just four movies that get it done, but the seventh art offers so much more variety. Find the movies that cheer you up and let yourself be carried away by the magic of the big screen. 

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